
Here we are,
in all our splendor.

Edoardo Berardi

He’s a passionate supporter of FC Internazionale, but if it’s international we’re talking about then there’s no getting away from his top-level managerial experience at a global level. Fond of fine dining, he likes to explore the paths of business as he does those of good taste: with openness, courage, intuition and a pinch of pepper.

Antonella Girardi

“The mind is like a parachute, it only works if it’s open”: this famous saying
(mistakenly attributed to Albert Einstein) was actually coined by Luna, Antonella’s Golden Retriever,
as it chatted to a friend in the park about her and her career in the finance departments of prestigious businesses. She has two cats: Monet, who won the Premio Strega Giovani at the age of only 8 months, and Robin, who cooks the best orecchiette con le cime di rapa in the world.

Giandomenico Fraschini
Head of Content & Strategy

What you really need to know is that he’s fundamentally an Italian copywriter who, as well as having an excellent command of English, also speaks Mandarin. Yes Mandarin! And then he’s a musician too, and what is more has driven dozens of laps in a variety of sports cars on the legendary German racetrack, the Nürburgring Nordschleife (without suffering a scratch). Eclectic, to say the least.

Sabrina Gallazzi
Art Director

She’s the agency’s artist, the agency’s motorbike rider, the agency’s yoga teacher.
She doesn’t speak Sanskrit, which she finds more logical than English, but she’s trying hard.
And with her pencil – physical or digital – she always manages to produce small masterpieces.

Francesco Farioli
Art Director

Listen to this: he went on board a ship and visited 32 countries in 9 months. Now he’s to be found
in the Corso Venezia district doing great things for clients. Legend has it that he shares a treasure map that he found at sea with anyone approving his graphic layouts at the first attempt.

Massimiliano “Maxim” Bonassi
Senior Graphic Designer

By his own admission, he is the “Mr. Perfect” of the Agency, truly a sword when it comes to attention to detail in the field of graphics and layout. But this almost maniacal rigor is balanced by an innate sympathy: his hilarious jokes are a blast…
It is an important asset to dilute stress with colleagues from time to time!

Valentina Fumagalli
Visual Designer

Already having a Fumagalli, Brambilla is a surname that a Milan agency can’t do without. If this were a film in the Ocean’s Eleven series he would be in charge of hacking the security systems of a casino
in sandals, safe in his black van as he eats donuts and drinks American coffee. But it’s not, we’re the ones who have hired him and so he works in Corso Venezia (and has even become a little gentrified!).

Marco Brambilla
Graphic & Digital Designer

Avendo Fumagalli, Brambilla è un cognome che non poteva mancare in un Agenzia milanese. Se questo fosse un film della saga di Ocean’s Eleven, lui sarebbe quello incaricato di violare i sistemi di sicurezza di un casinò, in ciabatte, al sicuro nel suo van nero mentre mangia ciambelle e beve caffè americano. Ma l’abbiamo assunto noi, quindi se ne sta in Corso Venezia (e si è pure un po’ imborghesito!).

Antonella Curvati
Senior Typesetter & Coordinator

She’s recently become a grandmother but is still finding that hard to believe, also because of a figure that would be the envy of the greatest of film-stars: it’s clear that attention to detail is a quality that pays off, not only at work but also in the gym! But Antonella is much more than this, being a highly inquisitive person who loves travelling, getting to know new people and seeing the world from different perspectives.

Fabio Di Conza
Senior Typesetter & Accounting

No agency of respect can be without its super-technological nerd. His passion for fantasy books and videogames is legendary and with all likelihood he will become the first person on earth to typeset an entire set of financial statements wearing a VR visor… unless he takes a quantum leap and finally turns himself into a character in the Final Fantasy saga.

Giuseppe Bertoli
Senior Typesetter

Pino, to his friends, is a mad fan of Brescia football club and whenever it’s possible he’s on
the terraces shouting himself hoarse in support of his team, even when they’re not playing in Serie A. He’s keen on travelling but above all it’s his hands and his mouse that travel…
the speed with which he typesets documents of biblical length is overwhelming and many people have tried to learn his secret. In vain.

Cinzia Capuano
Project Manager & Accounting

Rumor has it that she’s the person on whom the word multitasking is based. It’s impossible
to understand how she keeps her job, her family, the gym, her passion for travelling and her unofficial role as therapist for friends and relatives (and the list goes on) all in balance together. But she does, successfully and with a smile on her face and – heaven forbid! – that’s more than enough for us.

Alessandra Mauri

She travels between her garden and the center of Milan nurturing flowers, ideas, plants, strategies and curiosities. Inspired by her latest visit to Japan, she aspires to achieve wisdom by way of intuition and a drop of Sakè.

Viviana Ghetti
Administration Assistant & Accounting

She loves going for long walks with her dog, even if rumor has it that she’d much rather be accompanied by Bradley Cooper. But Tyrion is adorable and the fact that she gave him that name, based on a character in the series “The Game of Thrones”, is enough to tell us how much she loves fantasy novels as well as books about royal families. She has openly stated that she is an order freak, so we’d like to be super-precise by adding that her second name is Anna.

Kiara Pagtakhan
Junior Graphic Designer

It is to all intents the gen-Z quota of the Agency given its very young age, so it is not surprising that she loves Japanese anime and video games or that she counts among her most trusted friends her beloved headphones with which she listens to pop and rap made in the USA… even if she has been studying classical piano for years. Eclectic!


You can find her almost every afternoon in the Agency sprawled in the corridor linking Antonella’s office with Edoardo’s. She looks like a simple Golden Retriever with soft eyes, but she’s actually
a guiding spirit drawing up masterful strategies (to cadge biscuits).